Liberation Queen Podcast

Tražiš novu perspektivu na život, biznis, novac i ljubav?

Liberation Queen podcast is about the Art of Feminine Embodiment, Business Energetics, inner work & leading a turned-on sensual life. Here we talk about magnetizing all your desires by BEing in alignment with your Essence & Soul Purpose.
Welcome to the New Paradigm.

Welcome to Liberation.

Liberation Queen podcast je na engleskom jeziku

Što možeš čuti i naučiti u Liberation Queen podcastu

Liberation Queen je podcast koji vodi Ana Marija Đaniš (Mindset, Business & Feminine Embodiment Coach), a fokusira se na osnaživanje žena i promicanje ženske jednakosti u svim sferama života. Ana Marija koristi svoje iskustvo kao žena koja je prešla kroz teške situacije u životu, kao i svoje znanje o različitim područjima, kako bi educirala, nadahnula i osnažila svoje slušateljice.

U svakoj epizodi, Ana Marija ugosti inspirativne gošće, od poduzetnica do aktivistkinja, koje dijele svoje priče i savjete o tome kako preuzeti kontrolu nad vlastitim životom i postići uspjeh u svim aspektima života.

Ana Marija Đaniš često ističe važnost senzualnosti i ženske energije u svom podcastu, kao i načine na koje žene mogu bolje razumjeti i iskoristiti svoju unutarnju snagu. Također, često govori o tome kako ženska energija može biti korisna u poslovnom svijetu, te uči kako žene mogu bolje razumjeti energiju biznisa i uspjeha kako bi postigle svoje ciljeve u životu.

Liberation Queen je više od samo podcasta - to je pokret koji želi osnažiti žene diljem svijeta.

Liberation Queen želi da se žene osjećaju ujedinjene i motivirane da se bore za svoja prava i žive svoje najbolje živote.

Najslušanije epizode Liberation Queen podcasta

Feminine Energy of attracting dream clients- Archetype of the Catalyst

In this episode, you will learn how to attract clients from Feminine energy.

If you have been in the energy of chasing clients, worrying and doubting if they will come or if the way of signing clients you have been taught is not aligned with you and you truly desire that clients come to you then tune into this episode.

Trusting the Feminine Energy

Often women think they don’t trust the masculine and that’s why they hustle, have a hard time attracting a good relationship or just can’t let go of control…etc This is not the case.

It is actually that they can’t trust the feminine.

In this episode I will cover: How to start trusting the feminine & allow your desires to come to you- surrender.

Anxious Attachment Style in Business

In this episode, you will discover signs of anxious attachment style and how it affects your business.

Healing anxious attachment style will propel your business to a whole new level because you will finally feel safe.


Inner Child Healing

In this episode, I’m bringing you SIGNS that you are running your business (and life) from the wounded Inner Child & and tips on how to heal your Inner Child.

Many times we are not even aware that we are running our business from this place. Everything triggers us, we take things personally and our business becomes a constant emotional rollercoaster.

Što kažu slušatelji Liberation Queen podcasta

"Womaaan, your voice!! So grateful to have found your podcast!."​
Abigail B.
"I wanted to tell you I listened your podcast episode about feminine energy and I've learned more from you than from big coaches I have been following.''
Marine H.
"I just listened to your podcast episode on Inner Child Healing and just wanted to say that I loved it so much. A lot of it really resonated with me and I already feel myself strengthening my connection with my inner child."
Eden B.

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Što kažu slušatelji Liberation Queen podcasta

"I just need to let you know that I'm obsessed with your work. I listened to two of your podcasts today and it was speaking directly to my soul."
Ashley s.
"I've got to tell you that your voice is one of the most soothing voices I've ever heard in my life.''
Persephone S.
"Energy of desire is my favorite podcast episode so far.
I listened to it three times just to make sure I absorbed the message!
Kirsten D.